What is Sex?

Published on 21 August 2022 at 16:10

If you asked this question a few years ago, my response to this question would have been very casual and nonchalant. "Sex is just sex." Before, I saw sex as more of a casual interaction between people. Yes, feelings can get involved. But they didn't have to. I felt like people equated sex and feelings together because that's all we've ever been told. For me, it was different. I've had legit "fuck buddies" who I purely entertained with for reasons of only sex. Outside of that, we were nothing more than friends. Outside of that, there was no emotional involvement between us. I even had people who I had to cut off because it was the guys who ended up catching feelings and wanted more. And it was never the case for me. 


As I have gotten older, my answer for "What is Sex?" has changed drastically. If you ask me now, I would say that it is a spiritual encounter and exchange that involves the transfer of energy, passion, and karma. When I say karma, I don't mean it as the sex was deserved or not deserved. We've all had sex where at the end, we would feel an intense, positive release of emotions and some where you felt a little more disturbed by the encounter right? When I say karma, I just mean our body's natural response to the encounter. Sex is a method of the physical transfer of spiritual energy. It's definitely more than the physical state. Those who try to say that it's just physical are usually running from something, whether it be mentally or emotionally. Yes, people may get drunk or high and have one night stands, which may have been just a physical release that is needed. But those people are in an altered state outside of their natural conscience. So those encounters may not always apply. The people who get drunk and high for reasons regarding mental health or stress, do apply. Because the sex is just a matter of the release of the tension that they are feeling. 


You see what I mean? Sex is the physical transfer of spiritual energy. We try to act like its not that complicated, especially depending on who the partner is or the reason why you're having sex with them. But it comes down that ultimate truth. And this is why we have to be careful who we allow to transfer into our bodies. Because a person with negative intentions and negative energy can transfer on to you. And it doesn't mean that you'll become a negative person. It means that it can cause a shift in your path that can cause you to go off from your true path or purpose. This can be a shift that is minuscule or a shift that changes your life forever. 


So head my warning, sex is not "just sex".

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