Dating is Terrifying

Published on 4 August 2022 at 13:57

Dating nowadays is absolutely terrifying. Or maybe it’s always been.... We live in a world that is ego driven and where people only act with intentions of their own best interest and they don’t care who they hurt in the process of it all. It is quite a selfish world if you ask me. 


We all might be a little selfish I would say.  Because at the end of the day we get involved with people because we want something in return from them. Whether it’s love, money, sex, compassion, romance, materials, etc. I won’t say that there are some that outweigh the others. You just have to determine if that “need” is something that you’re willing to “give” to them without feeling like they're depleting you and if that person will give you what you want in return.  


For example, a woman might stay with a cheating man because at the end of the day all she cares about is being taken care of financially. That is her biggest priority for her and she might not care about the things that happen in between time. Another woman might place more value in a monogamy over materials, things or gifts. This does not make any woman no greater or weaker than the other. You just have to find who and what works for you. 


But dating in the world is difficult because no one can speak on their true intentions in a partnership. We tell others what they want to hear to seem likeable or to seem as if you have so much in common with the other. We force false bonds, intentionally and unintentionally. Unintentionally meaning that we don’t even realize that we aren’t being honest with ourselves others because we aren’t even being honest with ourselves about what we want versus what we need from someone. 


So, all I have is be honest with people. Don't force anything. Because honestly, if you have to lie to any one about who you are and what you want then you're not being true to yourself. And that is how we find ourselves being years later being unhappy and resentful. Therefore, if you're out in this world dating. Please just be an honest dater. Don't waste people time. I certainly do NOT like it when others waste my time. 


Thank you in advance, 

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