You Don't Know SHIT

Published on 11 September 2024 at 13:32

Listen, have you ever dealt with a man that taught you how to shut the hell up?! Oh ma gawd, I love it. I see myself as wise, smart, educated, and well-sensed. But at the same time, I can be too smart for my own good. And I would be lying if sometimes that this well-endowed knowledge hasn't come back to bite me in the ass. One thing that I have learned, especially more recently, is that girl, you don't know shit. 

When I say this, I don't mean it in a literal way that degrades or negates all that I have learned over all this time. I've gone through what I've gone through to help me become the woman that I am to this day. When I say it, I mean it in a way to remind myself that this world is endless. And everything that you have learned has been based on your experience. And there's no greater appreciation that I have than for the people in my life who helped me learn to shut the fuck up for two seconds to hear someone else's perspective on something. And most importantly, understand. And there is nothing more attractive to me than a man who teaches me something.

When you think about this in a worldly perspective, we only know what we know due to on our own perspective or experience on it. We also need to realize how this does, in fact, create bias. Bias does not have to be a dangerous thing. At the end of the day, we all have to stand on our own bias (or formed principles, let's say) for the sake of our own mental health and morals. With that being said, it can also be said that others also know what they know only because of their own perspective of it as well. Therefore, who's bias supersedes the others? Whose perspective outweighs the other? 

The answer to that is no one. The sooner you learn this, the easier it will be for you to navigate this world. This what will bring forth compassion and understanding. And at the same time, this will also teach everyone to mind their own damn business. The shit that you see and know is just your perspective. Now, the problem with a lot of people is that we often only allow ourselves to feed our own bias, and this is where the tipping scale of the humanity factor comes into play. I believe that this is one of the reasons why racism, genocides, and other ungodly things occurs in this world that we live in. People are too caught up in their bias, their own egos. If one could learn to, yes, stand tall on your beliefs and principles. But also, consider an external perspective. Expand your mind. Expand your reality. You will learn that you will start to see this world differently. 


Your perspective might even change.....

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