My Peace Of Mind

Published on 8 September 2022 at 17:40

The only thing that I truly desire in my life is a Peace of Mind. Whatever that means. However it comes. When I pray, I try not to ask for much.  I don’t want to be greedy. I don’t want to be too specific because I know that when we make plans and visions for our lives, he laughs at us.


We base our decisions and our visions based on what we know in our lives thus far. Most of us don’t know our true purpose in this world just yet. We still don’t know what’s to come and how we will evolve. Our creator is the only person that knows that.  


So I try not to ask for too much. I just pray on my intent and allow our Creator to pave my path. Does this always turn out best for me? No, absolutely not.  But it is also a blessing. It is a blessing because at some point, I am able to recognize that I have veered off my path. Once I am able to recognize this, I am able to readjust, reset, and refocus. The tricky part about that is how long it will take you to actually get back focused.  But, as long as you work to learn yourself and trust your instinct, you’ll find your back. And the more you learn to trust yourself, the easier it will become. 


But we have to also remember that Our Creator also puts instances in our paths because we have to learn from them. There are certain life lessons that we can only learn from struggle, from pain. It helps builds our character. It helps define us as well.  


If you were to ask me what my ultimate vision of peace is, it would be that I picture myself in a beautiful place or country, making love in the pool. I have been told this was the worst explanation ever before LMAO. But there’s actually a lot to what I’m saying that I haven’t verbally said. 


Me being in a beautiful place or country means that I have enough wealth to where I can live my life with freedom. I am not restrained by my job or any other obligation that doesn’t truly serve my peace. My kids are not in the scene, no. But that’s because they are somewhere enjoying themselves and I know that they are Happy, Safe, and Protected. See, I don’t know where they are exactly, because I don’t like to think about the specifics, just the feeling, just what my heart tells me. I’m making love in the pool, yes. And that’s because I’m with someone who genuinely loves me and cares for me. I am with someone who feeds my soul and I feed theirs as well. I am with my soul mate.  So it’s not just anybody.  


I can see this vision. I can smell the water and the air. I can taste it. I can feel the movements of the water and the collision between our bodies. But what I can’t see is the person. It’s almost a silhouette of some sort. But I can’t feel the love that the person has for me and is giving me. I can’t see the location where I am at. But I can feel the peace that it brings me. 


I will be experiencing a natural form of ecstasy. Of bliss.


As I said, this is what I’m searching for. I don’t know how I’ll get there. But I know it is my end goal. It is my intent. I will let our Creator’s Will take care of the rest. 

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