Lost Stars

Published on 3 August 2022 at 13:29

At the age of 28, I find that there are times where I feel that I am on top of the world, and there are times where I am an infant, and I know nothing of this world. The running joke about life is that we know everything and nothing at all, in the same instance of time. The truth is, we only know what we allow ourselves to know and perceive. But the ultimate truth of the matter is we are blind to this world because we only allow ourselves to perceive what we want to perceive, what we are most comfortable with. The unknown is fearsome. Things that shake or “threaten” what we perceive is intimidating.

And it’s an even scarier fact to know that we are all in this state. Lost stars, floating amongst the galaxy. Experiencing, experimenting, colliding into one another. It’s a hopeless and a calming thing to realize because once you realize and ACCEPT that we are ALL in this state, you can tell yourself, “No, I’m not crazy.” You can tell yourself “Yes, I might be going through a phase in my life where I feel lost, depressed, or numb. But everyone goes through these phases. It’s just my turn to ride this wave. I am not the first one, I am not the only one, and I know I won’t be the last one.”

If we can tell ourselves this, I know that people can have the ability to overcome any trial or tribulation that they are facing. I also know that it will teach us to have compassion for one another as a human being, as a soul. We’re all lost stars. But when you look up into the sky, the randomness of the stars is what makes the night sky beautiful to stare at and meditate on. That’s what makes human kind beautiful as well.

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